
Films by Circe

Films by Circe is a production company devoted to dismantling the male gaze one vision at a time. Formed in Los Angeles in 2019 by female filmmaking duo Allyson Brainard-Smith and Jenn Fernald, they have written, produced, and released nine short films that reformulate the female narrative while empowering collaborators and viewers alike. 

By challenging long-established filmmaking stereotypes, Films by Circe cultivates high-quality films on a provident budget that pass the Bechdel test with flying colors each and every time. Their mission is not only to create a space where womens’ voices are valued, but also to build a platform for them to stand on.


Jenn Fernald | Director/Writer

Originating from Boston, Jenn had always been drawn to storytelling. From drafting original plays to acting them out with her closest friends in elementary school, her strongest childhood memories revolved around creativity. Realizing her passion for writing was stronger than ever, she stepped away from the traditional office space in order to pursue screenwriting and filmmaking.


Allyson Brainard | Producer/Actor

Ally spent the early two decades of her life in four separate countries, being heavily influenced by the multitude of cultures and developing a fierce appreciation for a diverse range of stories. Just a year shy of her thirtieth birthday, she made the bold decision to leave the fashion world she’d developed a successful career in to devotedly pursue acting and producing.